The Boy Who Lived turns a year older

Today is the day that The Chosen One, aka Harry Potter, was born in 1980. Hapee Birthdae Harry!

Harry Potter is 41 today and is the reason we are all so invested in the Wizarding World. Potterheads watched Harry grow up, some in their own imaginations (from the books) and some on the big screen (from the films). No matter which way you interpret Harry, it’s safe to say he had made a significant stamp on our lives.

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Since it’s Harry’s birthday, that also means that 30 years ago to the day is when Harry found out that he was a wizard. For those that don’t remember, Hagrid turned up on Harry’s eleventh birthday to personally tell him he would be attending Hogwarts School of Witchcraft and Wizardry (and to give him an amazing cake!) before carting him off to Diagon Alley for his supplies. That will certainly be Harry’s most memorable birthday.

Harry swiftly moved from the cupboard under the stairs to Hogwarts where his wizarding journey began. Through his time at Hogwarts, Harry made several loyal friends, went through some hard times *not looking at Draco and Snape*, formed an illegal Defence Against the Dark Arts group and also, most notably, defeated Voldemort several times.

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Although he did have qualities of a Slytherin, such as being a Parseltongue, Harry proved to be a true Gryffindor. When everyone else feared You-Know-Who and wouldn’t even speak his name, Harry had no issue in speaking his name aloud and defeating him whenever he was faced with a battle.

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As well as Harry Potter’s birthday today, it is also J.K. Rowling’s birthday. If it wasn’t for the author, then we wouldn’t have these magical adventures… So, thank you.

Many happy returns to the Boy Who Lived (and J.K. Rowling) and thank you for all of the exciting adventures!

Image source of featured image.

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