JB Gill is giving free career advice

JB Gill, a member of JLS, has teamed up with the chewing gum Airwaves to give free career advice to those in need.

According to WalesOnline, 53% of Brits are considering quitting their job this year. But don’t worry because JB is here to help you decide on a new career path, if you are in dire need of a job change.

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JB is perfect for this role because he, himself, has made a drastic career change. Just before JLS split up in 2013, JB revealed he had bought a farm and that’s what he would be focusing on after the split. Since then, JB has featured on several farming programmes and even successfully sells many Kelly Bronze turkeys at Christmas time.

Airwaves have made JB the face of their new campaign, focusing on career changes. 35% of Brits have said that they prefer working from home and don’t want to go back into the office. If that’s the case, why not seek out JB’s help and maybe find a job that allows you to work from home the majority of the time?

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The popular chewing gum brand has released a video of JB talking about the campaign. JB says: “I know what it’s like to go from one extreme to the other having taken up agriculture after being in the music industry. It’s good to make a change when necessary, sometimes you just need a little push or some advice.” You can watch the video down below.

The 30 minute career coaching sessions will be taking place on 28th January, offering advice on CVs, interview questions and general advice on careers, with JB participating in a few sessions. If you are in need of career help then sign up by telling Airwaves what you need help with in an email to help@airwavesgum.com.

Image source of featured image.

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