Rupert Grint is turning 33 today

Rupert Grint, who notably played Ron Weasley in the Harry Potter franchise, is celebrating his thirty-second birthday today.

Rupert was born on this day in 1988 and shot to fame in the year of 2000 when it was revealed that he was cast as Ron Weasley. It’s been just over 21 years since Rupert, Daniel Radcliffe and Emma Watson all met and became the most recognisable trio on the globe.

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Rupert is now a Dad of one and even holds a Guinness World Record. Rupert joined Instagram in November 2020 and gained a million followers on the app faster than any other user has… He secured a million followers in just four hours and one minute. His first post was of his daughter, Wednesday, and he praised her for the record, saying, “She gets the credit.”

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Many Happy Returns, Rupert!

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